Sam, Patrick, and Baby Wallace / at Home

Sam and Patrick are the kinds of people you become friends with the moment you meet. I quickly recognized that Sam and I were kindred spirits, and I felt so excited for her to enter into motherhood. So when I got the message that Wallace had been born, my heart felt like it was going to burst.

Two weeks later, they invited me into their home to capture some quiet, intimate moments. They’d come into the daily habit of reading ten pages aloud to Wallace from of a book they’d been gifted about parenthood, which was such a joy to document for them. During our time together, they were both so tender and gentle with Wallace. It was as though I could feel their love for him radiating in the quiet moments they all shared together. And there was so, so much love.

Later, when I asked Sam what has surprised her most about becoming a mother, she said: “Becoming a mama has been a uniquely empowering experience - from pregnancy to labor & delivery, and now having a little human in our home to care for and adore. It’s been amazing to discover and learn to trust both natural and biological instincts that have always been within, but are now present everyday to guide me in nurturing and loving our little boy. Who knew so many skills you didn’t realize you had come up when you are taking care of new life!?”